sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008

Environment Minister: GM corn may be banned in Romania

Romania raised for the first time the problem of banning the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) (...) A worldwide flaming controversy is taking place lately on the subject. In Romania, the more relaxed legislation allowed the cultivation of genetically modified soy for almost 10 years. Experiments have been conducted for modified plums and potatoes as well.

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New report indicates large GM potential for South Asia

A new compendium of studies addressing the use of genetically modified plants in South Asia forecast major economic benefits. Drought- and salt-tolerant rice may provide a added value of about three billion US dollars for India (...) Potential economic and environmental benefits also are indicated by other products that are under ABSPII development in the region. In India, this denotes varieties of sunflower, groundnut, eggplant and potato that are resistant to insects or to pathogens. In Bangladesh, tests were performed with the rice and potato lines, as well as with insect-resistant eggplant and chickpea.

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